Friday 25 March 2011

[C440.Ebook] Ebook Download Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Hebrew) (Hebrew Edition), by J.K. Rowling

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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Hebrew) (Hebrew Edition), by J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Hebrew) (Hebrew Edition), by J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Hebrew) (Hebrew Edition), by J.K. Rowling

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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Hebrew) (Hebrew Edition), by J.K. Rowling

This is the Hebrew translation of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, book 5 of the Harry Potter series.

  • Sales Rank: #3822136 in Books
  • Published on: 2003-07-01
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 892 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

8 of 8 people found the following review helpful.
About to fall apart
By hailey
I am very upset with the turn out of this book. When I read it i'm going to be afraid that it's going to fall apart because it already is. For something this worn down I would have rather paid half of what I did.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
A Breath of High-Octane Oxygen!
By Amazon Customer
Who’d have thought that two warring neighbors in an upscale neighborhood (Malibu, CA) could escalate their squabbles to an epic level? I spent a lot of time wondering "Blimey, could this work in everyday life?"

Hey folks, here’s my tuppenceworth. Two memorable characters: One good, a sophisticated lawyer, but still a “babe in the woods” compared to the other, a crafty son-of-a-gun, more cunning than the Horned One himself, and this bloke, well, he wears his charisma thick on his sleeve. So I’m thinking, have we finally entered the age of the thinking thriller? If one discounts the purple prose pouring unctuously from Machiavelli’s lips (which incidentally fits this impostor’s persona to a T), it’s a bloody brilliant novel—a novel exploiting a novel concept! The plot builds momentum like an opus. If you must know, by the time it reached its crescendo towards chapter 35 or so, I was on my feet cheering, ready with a standing ovation and a bottle of Michelob in my right hand—cf. last chapter. All right, I’m a bit of a cat lover, too, but still!

I’ve got to warn you, though, or you'll find yourself sneaking moments out of your busy day to decrypt the meaning of life using Machiavelli’s clever word acrobatics, which goes by a fancy French name for voodoo-something-or-other, but is nonetheless an eminently patentable formula if you ask me! In fact, I think I've just glimpsed the writing on the wall, and if I’m not deluded it reads: CHASE’S BOOK GARNERS PLAUDITS ON GLOBAL SCALE!

For a jaded bloke like myself, reading Know Thy Neighbor was like a breath of high octane oxygen after spending hours in a cigar smoke-filled room.

Incorrigible Book Lover Paul Gardner

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
By Kati
“I solemnly sear that I am up to no good.” (ch. 10 pg. 192)
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is the third book in the Harry Potter series. It follows Harry and his friends through the excitement that is their third year at Hogwarts. In the start of the book, we find Harry doing his homework by flashlight under his bed sheets- as any proof of his time at that wizarding school is forbidden by the Drusley’s. It’s Harry’s birthday and for the first time in his life, he receives birthday cards and presents from his friends Hermione, Ron, and Hagrid. During a visit from Aunt Marge, Vernon and Harry make a deal, if he can keep Hogwarts a secret, Vernon will sign Harry’s permission slip to visit Hogsmead on the weekends. Unfortunately that goes out the window when Marge insults Harry’s family and he accidentally inflates her, whoops. The Knight Bus then picks up Harry after he leaves the house suddenly, but not after seeing something peculiar in the bushes…
The main conflict of this novel is the fact that escaped prisoner Sirius Black is on the loose and dangerous. Dementors have made Hogwarts their home for the year and even made a little pit stop on the Hogwarts Express to make sure Sirius Black wasn’t aboard. While they didn’t find the prisoner on the train, they did find Harry, because of the sorrow and death he has already witnessed the dementors were drawn to him. The mysterious person (who we find out to be the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher) is at the ready to produce a Patronus charm, which is used to ward of dementors with a happy memory.
The school year starts and the dementors are not respecting the boundaries that Dumbledore has put into place. They even disrupt a Quidditch match and send Harry flying off of his broom and his Nimbus 2000 into the Whomping Willow. Harry get used to his new classes and the frequent disappearance and reappearance of Hermione as she seems to be taking more class than any average witch or wizard can handle. Third year is when students start taking Divination and it’s not Harry’s favorite subject to say the least. Professor Trelawney often tells Harry he is in grave danger after finding the Grim in his cup, and she becomes overcome with a prophecy when they are alone in the classroom. "It will happen tonight. The Dark Lord lies alone and friendless, abandoned by his followers. His servant has been chained these twelve years. Tonight, before midnight, the servant will break free and set out to rejoin his master. The Dark Lord will rise again with his servant's aid, greater and more terrible than ever before. Tonight... before midnight... the servant... will set out... to rejoin... his master..." (ch.16 pg.324)
The story concludes with Harry, Ron and Hermione using Hermione’s Time Turner to not only save Hagrid’s friend Buckbeak, but also Harry’s innocent godfather Sirius Black, who has spent the last 12 years in Azkaban for a crime he did not commit. With the help of their new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher (who is also a werewolf!) Remus Lupin; Harry finds out more about his parents past and how their secret keeper and friend Peter Pettigrew betrayed them.
This is easily my favorite Harry Potter book out of the seven. I’d give it ten out of five stars if I could. It introduced me to my favorite character of the series (Remus Lupin) and helped to continue the story of Harry Potter and helped Harry find out more about his parents before they died. He also was reconnected with his godfather and James’ best friend Sirius Black.
“Mischief Managed” (Ch, 10 pg, 194)

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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Hebrew) (Hebrew Edition), by J.K. Rowling PDF

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Hebrew) (Hebrew Edition), by J.K. Rowling PDF
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Hebrew) (Hebrew Edition), by J.K. Rowling PDF

Sunday 20 March 2011

[F270.Ebook] Ebook Download Sustainability for the 21st Century: Pathways, Programs, and Policies, by PIJAWKA DAVID

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Sustainability for the 21st Century: Pathways, Programs, and Policies, by PIJAWKA  DAVID

very good condition

  • Sales Rank: #301072 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-01-12
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.75" h x 8.00" w x .75" l,
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 369 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Although there a lot of typos and no index for ...
By Eric Arellano
Although there a lot of typos and no index for key terms, this textbook does include a lot of interesting perspectives I wasn't exposed to before. The quality is inconsistent, but when done right I found this textbook introduced me to important ideas in sustainability.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Wouldn't have bought it if it wasn't a required read...
By KanKan
Lots of typos and small errors on the accuracy of the information. Needs to be edited better. No index for terms either.

See all 2 customer reviews...

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Sustainability for the 21st Century: Pathways, Programs, and Policies, by PIJAWKA DAVID PDF
Sustainability for the 21st Century: Pathways, Programs, and Policies, by PIJAWKA DAVID PDF

Wednesday 16 March 2011

[R623.Ebook] Get Free Ebook Women's Barracks (Femmes Fatales), by Tereska Torres

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Women's Barracks (Femmes Fatales), by Tereska Torres

Women's Barracks (Femmes Fatales), by Tereska Torres

Women's Barracks (Femmes Fatales), by Tereska Torres

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Women's Barracks (Femmes Fatales), by Tereska Torres

Originally published in 1950, this account of life among female Free French soldiers in a London barracks during World War II sold four million copies in the United States alone and many more worldwide. The novel is based on the real-life experiences of the author, Tereska Torres. As the Blitz rains down over London, taboos are broken, affairs start and stop, and hearts are won and lost. Women’s Barracks was banned for obscenity in several states and denounced by the House Select Committee on Current Pornographic Materials in 1952 as an example of how the paperback industry was “promoting moral degeneracy.” In spite of such efforts—or perhaps, in part, because of them—the novel became a record-breaking bestseller and inspired a whole new genre: lesbian pulp.

Femmes Fatales restores to print the best of women’s writing in the classic pulp genres of the mid-20th century. From mystery to hard-boiled noir to taboo lesbian romance, these rediscovered queens of pulp offer subversive perspectives on a turbulent era. Enjoy the series: Bedelia; Bunny Lake Is Missing; By Cecile; The G-String Murders; The Girls in 3-B; Laura; The Man Who Loved His Wife; Mother Finds a Body; Now, Voyager; Return to Lesbos; Skyscraper; Stranger on Lesbos; Stella Dallas; Women's Barracks.

  • Sales Rank: #1003964 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Feminist Press
  • Published on: 2005-05-01
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.00" h x .70" w x 5.00" l,
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 256 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

From Publishers Weekly
From the Feminist Press's 'Femmes Fatales: Women Write Pulp' series comes this reissue of a long out-of-print 1950 classic, the "first lesbian-themed pulp" novel. Translated from the French (though never published in France), this heavily autobiographical tale of life in the Free French Army women's barracks in WWII London is a delicious blend of sex and melodrama that manages to be sentimental without ever becoming mawkish or campy. It is, in fact, a moving and bittersweet tale of a tight-knit community of women, their loves and losses, hopes and despairs, with a charmingly modest salaciousness that runs through to justify its "pulp" marketing. Truly, it is a more literary novel than the lurid original cover would have one believe-its many sexual encounters invariably veer from the promise of pornography to the achingly real, and often painful, emotional excavations of these women's lives. The edition includes an illuminating interview with the author and an afterword by Judith Mayne that nicely contextualizes the narrative as well as the book's curious publishing history. Kudos to the editors for bringing this lost classic back into print-it never should have left us in the first place.
Copyright � Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

About the Author
Tereska Torres (1923-2012) escaped Nazi-occupied France in 1940 and became a secretary to Free French leader Charles DeGaulle in London. Over her long career, she wrote some 20 books (novels and memoirs), with translations published here by Knopf, Dell, Simon and Schuster. Torres married the American literary figure Meyer Levin during the war; he would later translate many of her novels. Torres continued to live and write in France until her death at age 92.

Most helpful customer reviews

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Excellent book on interpersonal relationships
By Marian
Although this has been billed as "lesbian pulp fiction," that is not a very good description of it. While some of the characters are lesbians, others are straight. The book is, rather, a novel about women and their various relationships--friendships as well as romantic relationships. Very insightful, timeless and free of platitudes. It paints a picture of human interactions and responses during a time of war and deprivation, and is written with compassion and thoughtfulness.

I highly recommend it.

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Free French females
By Jim L. Anker
In Britain, the free French army maintains several branches,.one of which is the barracks where the female members live. Forget the lurid cover ( yes, there is some lesbian romance) the book adds to our knowledge of different parts of WWII. Though fiction, it is based on fact by an author who was there. I gave it 5 stars, but it should be 41/2. The authors obituary was recently in the New York Times.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Not what you'd expect; a well written, serious story of women affected by world war II.
By Bob Edelson
l was originally drawn to the book because of its sexual-historical positioning, but found it to be a very well written account of a group of French women war volunteers stuck in London away from their normal lives & loves...and the writing becomes more serious & heartfelt as it moves along, and will bring tears as it comes to a close.

See all 11 customer reviews...

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Women's Barracks (Femmes Fatales), by Tereska Torres PDF

Tuesday 15 March 2011

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50 Years, 50 Moments Unabridged - The Most Unforgettable Plays in Super Bowl History, by Jerry Rice, Randy Williams

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50 Years, 50 Moments Unabridged - The Most Unforgettable Plays in Super Bowl History, by Jerry Rice, Randy Williams

In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of America's most beloved sporting event - the Super Bowl - an authoritative collection of the most pivotal plays through the decades, compiled by the legendary Jerry Rice.

50 Years, 50 Moments celebrates five decades' worth of memories, insights, and personal experiences of Super Sunday. Super Bowl MVP Jerry Rice has compiled his list of the most iconic, strategic, and record-breaking moments in football history from the Super Bowl's inception to today - from the Green Bay Packers and Kansas City Chiefs in Super Bowl I to the amazing Miami Dolphins championship in Super Bowl VII that capped their 17-game undefeated season to the heart-stopping Super Bowl XXV, in which the New York Giants beat the Buffalo Bills 20-19 and Super Bowl XLIX's amazing last-second victory by the New England Patriots over defending champion Seattle Seahawks 28-24.

A Hall of Fame wide receiver who has played alongside and against some of the greatest players in the NFL, Jerry Rice, joined by accomplished sports researcher and journalist Randy O. Williams, draws on his intimate knowledge and insight of the game to highlight remarkable moments from this greatest game in modern sports. Rice's access to the NFL means that 50 Years, 50 Moments is chock-full of memories and insights directly from the athletes and coaches who were involved in these moments.

Pulling together all the catches, the interceptions, the fumbles, and the triumphant touchdowns that have made the Super Bowl an unforgettable experience, 50 Years, 50 Moments features marquee names like Joe Montana, Vince Lombardi, Roger Staubach, Walter "Sweetness" Payton, Terry Bradshaw, Joe Namath, Lawrence Taylor, "Mean Joe" Greene, as well as Tom Brady, and is a must-have keepsake for football fans everywhere that is sure to be treasured for generations to come.

  • Sales Rank: #122121 in Audible
  • Published on: 2015-11-03
  • Released on: 2015-11-03
  • Format: Unabridged
  • Original language: English
  • Running time: 667 minutes

Most helpful customer reviews

9 of 9 people found the following review helpful.
An absolute gem
By Friends Of Film
Rice and Williams pair up in "50/50" to bring us the best Super Bowl stories and insight the sports world has's the type of book that you can open to any page and enjoy. Originally purchased as a coffee-table book for the man-cave, this title is getting its money worth in pre-game looks alone from the Sunday get-togethers with the guys. Need a Christmas present for the football fan(s) in your life? Look no further than this title.
Two (very) enthusiastic thumbs up

7 of 7 people found the following review helpful.
Highly recommended! This is a very exciting book - full ...
By Amazon Customer
Highly recommended! This is a very exciting book - full of statistical details, high quality pictures and descriptive information about games and plays I never knew about. Hearing the exciting plays, the teams and player comments about Super Bowls past, gave me a new perspective of the all time loved and most anticipated game of each year. As a woman who loves the game, I look forward to many more books written by Randy O. Williams and other NFL pros.
-S. Silveira (Tracy, CA)

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
Great Read! Highly Recommended!
By Jim Glen
I would highly recommend 50 years, 50 Moments as a great historical read of the first 50 Super Bowls played. Everybody knows the scores and stats of most of the games played but what this book gives you are insights from former players, coaches, and owners that you will not get elsewhere. Jerry Rice and Randy Williams have literally beat the bushes to track down these people who give the reader a first person perspective of everything that transpired during the many Super Bowls played over the years. You will relive the greatest plays in history from players like Starr, Bradshaw and Brady to name a few. There are also some not so greatest plays that will come back to you after reading this book such as Garo Yepremian's ill-fated pass attempt in Super Bowl VII. A great non-play highlight would be the game winning drive for SF in Super Bowl XXIII and Joe Montana calling plays as well as giving a John Candy sighting while in the huddle. Again, this book has it all and I would highly recommend it! Sacramento, CA.

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50 Years, 50 Moments Unabridged - The Most Unforgettable Plays in Super Bowl History, by Jerry Rice, Randy Williams PDF
50 Years, 50 Moments Unabridged - The Most Unforgettable Plays in Super Bowl History, by Jerry Rice, Randy Williams EPub
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50 Years, 50 Moments Unabridged - The Most Unforgettable Plays in Super Bowl History, by Jerry Rice, Randy Williams iBooks
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50 Years, 50 Moments Unabridged - The Most Unforgettable Plays in Super Bowl History, by Jerry Rice, Randy Williams Kindle

50 Years, 50 Moments Unabridged - The Most Unforgettable Plays in Super Bowl History, by Jerry Rice, Randy Williams PDF

50 Years, 50 Moments Unabridged - The Most Unforgettable Plays in Super Bowl History, by Jerry Rice, Randy Williams PDF

50 Years, 50 Moments Unabridged - The Most Unforgettable Plays in Super Bowl History, by Jerry Rice, Randy Williams PDF
50 Years, 50 Moments Unabridged - The Most Unforgettable Plays in Super Bowl History, by Jerry Rice, Randy Williams PDF

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Microsoft 74-678: Exam Preparation Guide: Lessons in Licensing, by Louise Ulrick

A self study guide to help you to prepare and pass the Microsoft 74-678 volume licensing exam for large organisations

  • Sales Rank: #1639384 in Books
  • Published on: 2014-11-30
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 322 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
If you want to pass the exam, get this ...
By Rod Sager
If you want to pass the exam, get this book. If you want a well thought out introduction to the way Microsoft manages their software licensing, get this book. If you want to make sense of the online material Microsoft makes available, get this book.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By Milin Account
Outstanding book with excellent diagrams. Helped me pass the MCP exam and continue to reference the material.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
I passed!!!
By Anina Simone Casper
I passed! Thank you Louise!

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Microsoft 74-678: Exam Preparation Guide: Lessons in Licensing, by Louise Ulrick PDF
Microsoft 74-678: Exam Preparation Guide: Lessons in Licensing, by Louise Ulrick PDF