Monday 30 April 2012

[G579.Ebook] Download Ebook Religion and Material Culture: The Matter of BeliefFrom Routledge

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Religion and Material Culture: The Matter of BeliefFrom Routledge

Religion and Material Culture: The Matter of BeliefFrom Routledge

Religion and Material Culture: The Matter of BeliefFrom Routledge

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Religion and Material Culture: The Matter of BeliefFrom Routledge

Religious belief is rooted in and sustained by material practice, and this book provides an extraordinary insight into how it works on the ground. David Morgan has brought together a lively group of writers from religious studies, anthropology, history of art, and other disciplines, to investigate belief in everyday practices; in the objects, images, and spaces of religious devotion and in the sensations and feelings that are the medium of experience. By avoiding mind/body dualism, the study of religion can break new ground by examining embodiment, sensation, space, and performance.

Materializing belief means taking a close look at what people do, how they feel, the objects they exchange and display, and the spaces in which they perform whether spontaneously or with scripted ceremony. Contributions to the volume examine religions around the world―from Korea and Brazil to North America, Europe, and Africa. Belief is explored in a wealth of contexts, including Tibetan Buddhism, the hajj, American suburbia and the world of dreams, visions and UFOs.

  • Sales Rank: #1299650 in Books
  • Published on: 2009-11-27
  • Released on: 2009-10-27
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.21" h x .73" w x 6.14" l, 1.20 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 320 pages

'With this volume, one of the most important recent developments in the study of religion, attention to its materiality, achieves a new pitch of sophistication. David Morgan, already known for his pioneering work on religious visual culture, has assembled scholars from across the spectrum of scholarly disciplines. The result is a fascinating collection that will draw a wide range of readers.' - Webb Keane, author of Christian Moderns: Freedom and Fetish in the Mission Encounter and Signs of Recognition: Powers and Hazards of Representation in an Indonesian Society.

About the Author

David Morgan is Professor of Religion at Duke University, where he also holds an appointment in the Department of Art, Art History, and Visual Studies. He is the author of Visual Piety (1998), Protestants and Pictures (1999), The Sacred Gaze (2005), and The Lure of Images (2007) and is an editor of the journal Material Religion.

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Religion and Material Culture: The Matter of BeliefFrom Routledge PDF

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Religion and Material Culture: The Matter of BeliefFrom Routledge PDF

Wednesday 25 April 2012

[C893.Ebook] Download Ebook Buzzing Communities, by Richard Millington

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Buzzing Communities, by Richard Millington

Buzzing Communities, by Richard Millington

Buzzing Communities, by Richard Millington

Download Ebook Buzzing Communities, by Richard Millington

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Buzzing Communities, by Richard Millington

How to Build Bigger, Better, and More Active Online Communities

Buzzing Communities cuts through the fluff to offer a clear process for creating thriving online communities.

This book combines a century of proven science, dozens of real-life examples, practical tips, and trusted community-building methods. This step-by-step guide includes a lifecycle for tracking your progress and a framework for managing your organization's community efforts.

This Book Will Help You to

Understand what the members of your community really want.
Dramatically increase the number of newcomers that become regulars.
Avoid the mistakes most organizations make when they try to build online communities.
Develop a fantastic, user-friendly website for your members.
Grow your online community to critical mass and beyond
Keep members engaged and active in your community.
Measure the community's return on investment and explain the benefits to your organization.

  • Sales Rank: #63255 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2012-10-27
  • Released on: 2012-10-27
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Most helpful customer reviews

6 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
Meticulous and thoughtful community manager guide
By Rosemary ONeill
If you ask most people about the "rules of community management," they will shrug and toss out a platitude like, "be nice to people."
But if you dig beyond the surface, community management is both an art and a science. Practitioners must start paying respect to both aspects of the profession in order to get the respect they deserve.

It's a tough, 24/7, under appreciated job, and you must love it in order to do it well.

Rich Millington is someone who has been in the trenches of community management since he was a teenager, and his new book, "Buzzing Communities: How to Build Bigger, Better, and More Active Online Communities" is a meticulously documented handbook. Veterans and novices alike will find wisdom in this book, which has actionable ideas on virtually every page.

Do you have a methodology for measuring your community's success? Have you produced a community welcome mechanism? Are your volunteers trained?

Richard provides insights into the nuts and bolts of running a successful community, in simple, understandable language. Along the way, each area includes key metrics to track, allowing the reader to not only implement the concepts, but also to follow up and measure how their own implementation worked (or didn't).

Each community is different, but human behavior is well researched and well documented. Buzzing Communities offers strategies that tie together the best ideas in both community management and behavioral science.

I enjoyed this book, and am happy to recommend it to anyone who is responsible for building or managing an online community.

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
A great 101 guide to building effective communities
By Ese
I'm so happy this book is out. A step-by-step guide for building and sustaining successful communities. So much unknown out there on what goes into communities of practice, here's finally a scientific and no-sense approach to communities. I've recommended this book to other community managers and clients in my own work on knowledge management and communities of practice. Richard breaks down the approach on the ONE thing that makes communities tick - PEOPLE. It's not the platform, it's not be brand or some big name; it's the members of that community that drive success. Understanding what members what from your community, how they behave on the platform, how they interact with one another and what they want out of that community are all things every community manager should know about his/her community.

There are so many lessons in this book that I literally spend every week sharing nuggets from the book with community managers. Richard also has an amazing site- A one stop shop of everything there is to know about communities. You will find yourself going back again and again and again to learn and grow, if you are truly serious about being a community manager or if you are suddenly tasked with running a community. Get this book - an incredibly easy read!!

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
The New Standard for Community Managers
By Jeffrey K. Ross
I have long been a fan of Rich Millington and the excellent advice he dispenses daily from his blog at For those involved with leading online communities, you need to go to FeverBee and subscribe to his updates. You'll benefit from the brief, insightful posts he publishes nearly every weekday. I was extremely glad, therefore, when his book Buzzing Communities: How to Build Bigger, Better, and More Active Online Communities was published a few months ago. I readily digested it upon arrival and am eager to share these thoughts with you about the contents of the book, why it's important, and what specific actions it has already prompted me to take in order to be a more professional and effective community manager.

The book's two parts and twelve chapters span nearly 300 pages and are devoted to the categories of "How to Manage Your Community" and "Everything You Need to Know About Your Members," with the vast majority of space given to the former. The part on managing your community includes nine chapters: Strategy; Growth; Content; Moderation; Influence and Relationships; Events and Activities; Business Integration; Return on Investment; and User Experience. The second part includes: The Community Ecosystem; Competition - Existing Online Communities; The Audience - Demographics, Habits, and Psychographics; and a wrap-up on Community Management Success.

Online community management is a relatively new profession that still lacks much in the way of formal training, education, certification, standards, and proven, documented, and accepted best practices. In such an environment, Millington's book raises the bar and sets the standard for what community management is about and where it must go in the best interests of the communities served and the professionals who have responsibility for them. Anyone whose role includes in whole or in part leading an online community will benefit from taking a slow, diligent walk through the book.

Usually, when I read a book, I underline some things as I go and absorb at an intellectual level the contents of what I read. For this book, however, so many helpful ideas jumped off the page or sprung to mind while reading that the margins are filled with notes to myself with actions I need to take in my online communities in order to implement the concepts discussed. Such ideas make this one of the most practical and helpful books I have read with immediate impact on how I do what I do every day.

One of the core ideas of the book is that "data is the single best asset you have to develop a thriving community." Millington is wonderfully relentless about the need to gather, analyze and make decisions based on data in order to grow and strengthen communities. He is spot on correct when he states that too many community managers are "too reactive, too ad hoc, and too lacking in long-term strategy." They fail to use their data probably because they don't gather the data needed to make the best decisions. Some platforms are woefully limited in the data easily mined to help with this need, but even in those instances you'll at least know what you're missing by reading the book. Be forewarned: If you read it, you will no longer be able to speak the lie that "It's hard to measure the ROI of social."

Unfortunately, I can relate all too well to the above shortcomings. How much of my days have been spent reacting to the vocal minority instead of planning and improving things for the majority? How many weeks pass with no progress on big-picture strategic paths because I have taken too many member complaint detours or spent too much time in the weeds to even notice how far off path we traveled?

The book provides ample specifics to guide community managers through the early planning of new communities through the day-to-day building of existing communities. Millington's insights apply both to internal and external communities of all types, sizes, ages and platforms. I challenge any community manager to read it and not come away with a to-do list of things you can immediately do to help build your community.

Speaking of a to-do list, let me share with you some of the things from my to-do list having read the book. Keep in mind that I am the community manager for a 23,000+ member internal community for a Fortune 100 company and also have responsibility for some of our external social platforms as well.

- I changed the welcome email that I send to all new members by adding one specific thing they could go out to the community right then and do to get them involved immediately.
- Since I lead a bi-weekly call of nearly 30 others in our company who have some level of responsibility related to community management, I'm taking one of the book's chapters each call over 14 meetings to discuss the key ideas and insights from that chapter.
- We have purchased a quantity of the books to put copies in the hands of community managers in-house.
- I routinely do not open my email at work until I've been there 2-3 hours so that I can concentrate on getting important tasks done related to big-picture, long-term growth instead of allowing email to force me into a reactive mode.
- I limit the amount of time I give to member complaints or the vocal minority daily.
- My manager and I have been in conversation about adding a new analyst role to the team (in addition to the analyst role already planned) to assist with all the data-related needs. Writing up the proposed job description and role justification is my next task on this matter.
- I've made notes to do a number of additional things in the coming weeks, such as:
- Schedule town halls with group admins to provide a forum for sharing success stories, best practices and advice about being a successful group admin;
- Survey the community to gauge their sense of belonging;
- Create a group for new members and populate it initially with helpful links and info, and then modify the welcome email again to invite members to join the group;
- Schedule a monthly town hall for new members;
- Solicit current members regarding their favorite platform or community tips to include in the weekly broadcast I send to all members;
- Post a list of community volunteer opportunities since it isn't possible or wise for me to try to do it all in the community.

You can see that I had many takeaways from the book. I am certain that you will as well. In fact, let me help you get started with this list:

- Buy the book and read it.
- Subscribe to Rich's blog at
- While you're there, check out his many additional resources including an extensive professional community management course and a monster list of previous key posts grouped by helpful categories.
- Follow Rich on Twitter at @RichMillington

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Buzzing Communities, by Richard Millington PDF

Buzzing Communities, by Richard Millington PDF
Buzzing Communities, by Richard Millington PDF

Tuesday 24 April 2012

[V926.Ebook] Download Auditory Electrophysiology: A Clinical GuideFrom Brand: Thieme

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Auditory Electrophysiology: A Clinical GuideFrom Brand: Thieme

Auditory Electrophysiology: A Clinical GuideFrom Brand: Thieme

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Auditory Electrophysiology: A Clinical GuideFrom Brand: Thieme

This is a valuable contribution to any audiologist's
or neuro-otologist's library. It is a complete and thorough review of the
various modalities and applications in auditory electrophysiology. Its unique
clinical perspective distinguishes it from most other books in this area

. -- Doody's Review

Written primarily by audiologists familiar with cutting-edge research in a
rapidly changing field, Auditory Electrophysiology
provides a fresh perspective on the most current advances and practices in the
specialty. Research and clinical information are presented separately to
facilitate learning and provide a more practical organization of the material.
In addition to clinical applications and case studies, this text includes
sections on the foundational science and historical background of auditory
evoked potentials as well as clinical practice and management.

Key Features:

  • Includes case studies written by clinicians who are
    experts in auditory evoked potentials, helping to highlight clinical
    applications in the specialty
  • Discusses how auditory electrophysiology techniques are
    used in central auditory function testing
  • Provides practical guidelines on how to write a
    clinical report, with easy-to-use templates, helping readers quickly master
    report writing
  • Contains a chapter on the application of principles of
    evidence-based practice, to guide clinical technique and analysis of auditory
    evoked potentials

Ideal as an introduction to the field for graduate students in
audiology and ENT residents, Auditory Electrophysiology is also a useful guide for clinicians who want to refresh
their skills or add to their practice. It fills a gap in the literature for an
up-to-date text and reference on all aspects of auditory evoked potentials.

  • Sales Rank: #827976 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Thieme
  • Published on: 2012-06-06
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.90" h x .70" w x 7.00" l, 2.05 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 392 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

From the Back Cover

"This is a valuable contribution to any audiologist's or neuro-otologist's library. It is a complete and thorough review of the various modalities and applications in auditory electrophysiology. Its unique clinical perspective distinguishes it from most other books in this area" . -- Doody's Review

Written primarily by audiologists familiar with cutting-edge research in a rapidly changing field, "Auditory Electrophysiology" provides a fresh perspective on the most current advances and practices in the specialty. Research and clinical information are presented separately to facilitate learning and provide a more practical organization of the material. In addition to clinical applications and case studies, this text includes sections on the foundational science and historical background of auditory evoked potentials as well as clinical practice and management.

Key Features: Includes case studies written by clinicians who are experts in auditory evoked potentials, helping to highlight clinical applications in the specialty Discusses how auditory electrophysiology techniques are used in central auditory function testing Provides practical guidelines on how to write a clinical report, with easy-to-use templates, helping readers quickly master report writing Contains a chapter on the application of principles of evidence-based practice, to guide clinical technique and analysis of auditory evoked potentials

Ideal as an introduction to the field for graduate students in audiology and ENT residents, "Auditory Electrophysiology" is also a useful guide for clinicians who want to refresh their skills or add to their practice. It fills a gap in the literature for an up-to-date text and reference on all aspects of auditory evoked potentials.

About the Author
Assistant Professor, Audiology; Audiology Speeh Language Sciences; University of Northern Colorado; Greely, Colorado, USA

Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Helpful Resource
I've relied on Gelfand's Essentials of Audiology and Katz's Handbook of Clinical Audiology for the first year of my AuD program. For auditory evoked potentials, I needed a book that would strike a happy balance between Gelfand's simplicity and Katz's extensive analysis--this book filled that roll wonderfully! I learn best from reading and I attribute most of my understanding of ABR, ASSR, and Ecoch to this textbook. I recommend it to any AuD student beginning a unit on AEPs or if you need to brush up on the concepts. Awesome book!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Much needed update
By AuD
Dr. Atcherson is an excellent instructor and definitely knows his electrophysiology! I was pleased to see this text from both Dr. Atcherson and Dr. Stoody.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Four Stars
By Martusiiiak
Very good text.

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Auditory Electrophysiology: A Clinical GuideFrom Brand: Thieme PDF

Auditory Electrophysiology: A Clinical GuideFrom Brand: Thieme PDF
Auditory Electrophysiology: A Clinical GuideFrom Brand: Thieme PDF

Monday 23 April 2012

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A Boy Called Slow (Paperstar Book), by Joseph Bruchac

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A Boy Called Slow (Paperstar Book), by Joseph Bruchac

The True Story of Sitting Bull from multi-award-winning author Joseph Bruchac.

Anxious to be given a name as strong and brave as that of his father, a proud Lakota Sioux grows into manhood, acting with careful deliberation, determination, and bravery, which eventually earned him his proud new name: Sitting Bull.

An ALA Notable Book

"Being named Slow and growing up in the shadow of a great warrior hardly dwarfed the prospects of this protagonist: he grew up to be Sitting Bull. Bruchac's sensitively told story of Sitting Bull's coming-of-age reassures young boys that success comes through effort, not birth." —Booklist

  • Sales Rank: #27506 in Books
  • Brand: Puffin
  • Model: FBA-|282136
  • Published on: 1998-03-23
  • Released on: 1998-03-23
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 10.23" h x .13" w x 7.86" l, .25 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 32 pages

From Publishers Weekly
Like most Lakota Sioux boys, Slow yearns for the special vision or manly deed that will inspire his permanent, adult name. Encouraged by splendid stories of his father's bravery, wisdom and leadership, Slow focuses his energy on becoming a warrior. Friends gradually begin to associate his name with careful deliberation. When the moment of his manhood arrives, Slow rides heroically against Crow warriors, earning the name Tatan'ka Iyota'ke (translated, on the final page, as Sitting Bull). Bruchac's (see Gluskabe and the Four Wishes, reviewed above) meaty yet cohesive narrative is richly complemented by Baviera's large, atmospheric paintings. Employing a somber palette marked by radiant bursts, the first-time children's illustrator evokes the solemnity and awe of ripening adulthood. Satisfying for its attention to historical and multicultural issues; stirring in its consummate storytelling. Ages 5-up.
Copyright 1995 Reed Business Information, Inc.

From School Library Journal
Grade 1-6?This picture-book biography recounts the boyhood of a real Lakota Sioux named Slow, who grew up in the 1830s. Today's children of any background can empathize with his efforts to outgrow his childhood name and take his place as an adult among his people. The illustrations, oils that are rich and somber, convey details of traditional Lakota life, from the warm, close interiors of the family home to a pre-dawn assembly of warriors about to raid their Crow neighbors. The text creates an equally subtle portrayal of Plains Indian life. Many stereotypes of Native American culture are gently corrected, as when the author acknowledges that "women are the heart of the nation." The traditional Lakota explanation for the advent of horses is given alongside mention of their historical introduction by European explorers. Dialogue in the Native language helps to convey the richness of the culture. By the time Slow earns his new name, young readers will feel they know a real person?the man who was to become Sitting Bull, one of the great Sioux warriors and a hero at the Battle of Little Bighorn. This book works beautifully as historical fiction; it is less successful as biography as none of the dialogue is documented. An inspiring story.?Carolyn Polese, Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA
Copyright 1995 Reed Business Information, Inc.

From Booklist
Ages 6^-9. Being named Slow and growing up in the shadow of a great warrior hardly dwarfed the prospects of this protagonist: he grew up to be Sitting Bull. Bruchac's sensitively told history of Sitting Bull's coming-of-age reassures young boys that success comes through effort, not birth. Slow, named for his sluggishness as a baby, yearns for a strong name like his father's, Returns Again to Strike the Enemy. As he grows, Slow tries to do his best in everything--hunting, riding, wrestling--and by 14 he is strong and ready to attend his first raid. To everyone's surprise, he races ahead of the war party to attack the Crows, who quickly flee. Proudly, Slow's father renames him Sitting Bull. In brilliant counterpoint to the story's emotional timelessness is Baviera's vision of the Lakotas as spiritually and culturally distant from us. His dark acrylics punctuated by the unexpected pastels of diminished sunlight--purple snow, turquoise smoke, orange skies--is at once mythic and melancholy in its portrayal of a vanished culture. Julie Walton

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Great educational book about Sitting Bulls childhood
By Ronald R Schultze
Great educational book about Sitting Bulls childhood. As a child he was very slow and methodical in the things he did.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By linda reno
love it

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Great Book!
By Amanda Glenn
My class is studying Native American literature right now. This story was used as a read aloud and they absolutely loved it!!! Kept them engaged the whole time.

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Thursday 19 April 2012

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  • Binding: Unknown Binding

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Monday 16 April 2012

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The Old Money Guide to Marriage: Getting It Right - Making It Last, by Byron Tully

Byron Tully, author of "The Old Money Book", reveals the secrets and strategies used by America's Upper Class that contribute to a vibrant, fulfilling, and enduring married life. From dating around to settling down, everything you need to know and every question you need to ask yourself--and your potential mate--is detailed here. "The Old Money Guide To Marriage" is a must-read for anyone, single or married, who really wants to Get It Right and Make It Last. Grandson of a newspaper publisher and son of an oil industry executive, Byron writes for the entertainment industry and travels frequently. He is happily married to an Old Money Gal from Boston.

  • Sales Rank: #175738 in Books
  • Published on: 2016-02-12
  • Original language: English
  • Dimensions: 8.00" h x .59" w x 5.00" l,
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 234 pages

About the Author
Grandson of a newspaper publisher and son of an oil industry executive, Byron writes for the entertainment industry and travels frequently. He is happily married to an Old Money Gal from Boston. His first nonfiction work, "The Old Money Book" was published in 2013. A second nonfiction book, "The Hindu Way To Wealth", and a collection of poems were published in 2015. "The Old Money Guide To Marriage" is a follow up to "The Old Money Book" and was published in 2016.

Most helpful customer reviews

4 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
The best marriage-guide I've read; excellent for anyone contemplating marriage or wanting to know how to raise a family!
By Gwin M
Excellent and practical guide to choosing a stable mate and creating a stable and happy life, complete with many practical and insightful questions to ask yourself and your potential mate, either alone or together, so that you both go into marriage with the same or compatible goals. I hope this book will be in print very soon, because there are many young people (and older people starting the dating process over again for various reasons) to whom I would like to give this book. I've read many guides to good marriage & family & relationships, and this is my favorite of all.

His two other books (as of January 2016) are also excellent guides to creating a happy, stable life: "The Hindu Way to Wealth: My Private Conversations with One of India's Richest Men", and "The Old Money Book: Living Better While Spending Less--Secrets of America's Upper Class". "The Old Money Book" is already in print--thank you!--and I hope that "The Hindu Way to Wealth" will be in print very soon, too. I buy the vast majority of my books to read on my Kindle now, and only buy books in print if I feel they will remain an important part of my life, important enough to see daily, to mark in, and to give away. The three books most definitely fit that criteria.

My only suggestion for improvement, and this applies to all his ebooks, is to have a "working-clickable-link" for the table of contents. As of January 10, 2016, you cannot click on any of the titles in the table of contents and the ebook immediately take you to that section of the book. This makes moving around in the book and going to any desired chapter of the book (to re-read, show a friend, etc.) an awkward multiple step process. I hope that this will be updated soon for all his ebooks.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Invaluable Wisdom--Read it when you are single, married, young or not so young.
By Jonsie
Solid advice. Wish I read it when I was younger, but invaluable information even if you have been married for years. Good for parents to read to help advise their children start to navigate adulthood.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
An excellent book for young people
By Francis McVey
An excellent book for young people. What the author has really presented here is not so much a guide to marriage, although it is exceptional as that, as much as a guide to dating and finding out just how compatible someone might be as a life partner.

How to approach the social aspects of dating and how to slowly transition into a committed relationship: that's what this book presents as clearly as any I've read. Wish I had it growing up.

That said, it does have much to offer anyone who's at any stage in a relationship. I think real benefit is for parents, whose children are just starting to date, and young people who think they've found Mr. or Ma. Right.

Concise, clear-headed, and entertaining. An essential read.

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Monday 9 April 2012

[K787.Ebook] PDF Download Margin: Restoring Emotional, Physical, Financial, and Time Reserves to Overloaded Lives, by Richard Swenson

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Margin: Restoring Emotional, Physical, Financial, and Time Reserves to Overloaded Lives, by Richard Swenson

Margin is the space that once existed between ourselves and our limits. Today we use margin just to get by. This book is for anyone who yearns for relief from the pressure of overload. Reevaluate your priorities, determine the value of rest and simplicity in your life, and see where your identity really comes from. The benefits can be good health, financial stability, fulfilling relationships, and availability for God’s purpose.

  • Sales Rank: #12608 in Books
  • Brand: Tyndale House Publishers
  • Published on: 2004-10-25
  • Released on: 2004-10-11
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.70" h x .69" w x 5.80" l, .70 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 240 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781576836828
  • Notes: 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Tracking provided on most orders. Buy with Confidence! Millions of books sold!

From the Back Cover
RX: FROM THE DESK OF RICHARD A. SWENSON, M.D. Overload is not having time to finish the book you are reading on stress. Margin is having time to read it twice. Overload is fatigue. Margin is energy. Overload is red ink. Margin is black ink. Overload is hurry. Margin is calm. Overload is anxiety. Margin is security. Overload is the disease of our time. Margin is the cure. Margin is the space that once existed between ourselves and our limits. It is something held in reserve for contingencies or unanticipated situations. In Margin, Dr. Richard Swenson provides a prescription against the danger of overloaded lives. Focusing on margin in four key areas-emotional energy, physical energy, time, and finances-he offers an overall picture of health that employs contentment, simplicity, balance, and rest. If you yearn for relief from the pain and pressure of overload, take a lifelong dose of Margin. The benefits of good health, financial stability, fulfilling relationships, and availability for Gods purposes will follow you all your days.

About the Author
Richard A. Swenson, M.D. is a physician, a futurist, and the author of The Overload Syndrome, Hurtling Toward Oblivion, More Than Meets the Eye, and A Minute of Margin. Dr. Swenson and his wife, Linda, live in Menomonie, Wisconsin. They are the parents of two sons, Adam and Matthew.

Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Good book for diagnosing the problem
By Daniel S. Teater
Overall, he accurately diagnosed and described the symptoms of living in a frantic highly connected culture that is time presses constantly. I found myself deeply resonating with much of what he was saying and eagerly anticipated his solution. I was a bit disappointed that what felt like his ultimate answer for lack of margin was to simply make more margin. I'm reducing it a bit, but it felt behavioral focused rather than unpacking why our hearts gravitate to this margin-less setting in the first place. I would recommend this book as well as Addicted to Busy for those trying to reflect on their hectic lives. I think there are other books that unpack a theology of rest more thoroughly, but this is good for diagnostic purposes.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Margin: A Brilliant Concept of Healthy Living Concepts
By Michael Sholders
This book has tremendous value in our crowded world. The whole idea of margin is simply not allowing events and circumstances to overtake your ability to cope with it. Whether it is physical, emotional or otherwise, margin is the difference between what you can comfortably handle and your maximum. Too many issues in America end up with negative margin; that is when you have more on your plate that you have ability to deal with. This condition creates major stress, leads to psychological meltdowns, fatigue, and ultimately drugs, alcohol, and other coping mechanisms that all are unhealthy. Learning how to create margin by saying “no”, making boundaries, simplifying lives, and eschewing covetousness in all things is a lifelong learning exercise and this book gives an excellent beginning to understanding these simple principles in a very Biblical account of Godly living. Highly recommended to all readers who seriously wish to live a calm, vital, joyful life.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Margin is prescription for what we lack
By Teresa Orth
I really enjoyed reading this book and having a one word response to what I am feeling when everything is crowding out all the things I value: Marginless! The prescription for improving your life and living the life God created for you is to carve out more margin in all areas of your life. I am learning to say "no" to doing too many things that are not in line with my long term margins. I am learning to plan my year, month, day out so that I can accomplish what I need to do and still leave that margin for what God needs me to do to minister to myself, my children and other souls. It is true that today's world provides too much of everything. You could spend hours reading volumes and still be behind in any area of expertise. We have to create the time and margin in our physical, emotional, and spiritual lives to stop the sickness of no time in our lives. This book is excellent and will help you find the time to find the time!

See all 157 customer reviews...

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Sunday 8 April 2012

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Fortran 95/2003 for Scientists & Engineers, by Stephen Chapman

Chapman's Fortran for Scientists and Engineers is intended for both first year engineering students and practicing engineers. This text is the most current alternative for Fortran. It simultaneously teaches the Fortran 95/2003 programming language, structured programming techniques, and good programming practice. Among its strengths are its concise, clear explanations of Fortran syntax and programming procedures, the inclusion of a wealth of examples and exercises to help students grasp difficult concepts, and its explanations about how to understand code written for older versions of Fortran.

  • Sales Rank: #370342 in Books
  • Published on: 2007-04-06
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.20" h x 1.40" w x 7.40" l, 3.20 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 1008 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

34 of 35 people found the following review helpful.
A Nice Book!
By Z. Khan
Well, I liked this book very much and therefore I want to write a short opinion/review on it (although I am short on time here and have never written an opinion on amazon before!). To put it concisely, this is a 'must have' book for any Fortran programmer. If you are shopping for a good Fortran book, this is what you are looking for! It takes you from the very first step and drops you off at a fairly high level around chapter 9. (And from where, I guess, instead of a book, you would like to consult your compiler's documentation!)

My background is in financial engineering, and I was looking for some specialized number-crunching language to write my code in (real-time models). A friend suggested Fortran, and after consulting some serious people in physics/engineering, I decided to settle on it. My problem was that there were only a handful of Fortran books here, and only that many reviews on them. So I picked this one along with METCALF/REID/COHEN's 'fortran 95/2003 explained'. And I must say that a lack of quantity was compensated for by an abundance of quality.

Chapman has also incorporated a lot of example code in this book, and that makes it worthwhile to cheat a bit before tackling a new chapter! He also stresses a lot on good programming practice, and his background makes us take his suggestions seriously. Those who work on mission-critical industrial strength code in financial industry know what I am talking about. So, if you are a newbie to Fortran, and want to learn it correctly the first time, you should consider this book. If you have a higher budget, consider METCALF et al. as an additional aid.

my 2 cents!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By Edgar Duran Trujillo
Very good for old programmers that need to update their knowledge in the programming language

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By Mohammed
If you are an absolute beginner and you want to learn FORTRAN from scratch, this book for you.

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Fortran 95/2003 for Scientists & Engineers, by Stephen Chapman PDF

Fortran 95/2003 for Scientists & Engineers, by Stephen Chapman PDF

Fortran 95/2003 for Scientists & Engineers, by Stephen Chapman PDF
Fortran 95/2003 for Scientists & Engineers, by Stephen Chapman PDF

Saturday 7 April 2012

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  • Published on: 2002
  • Binding: Paperback

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[P322.Ebook] PDF Ebook Delmar Online Training Simulation: HVAC, 4 term (24 months) Printed Access Card, by Interplay Learning

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Delmar Online Training Simulation: HVAC, 4 term (24 months) Printed Access Card, by Interplay Learning

Delmar Online Training Simulation: HVAC, 4 term (24 months) Printed Access Card, by Interplay Learning

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Delmar Online Training Simulation: HVAC, 4 term (24 months) Printed Access Card, by Interplay Learning

DELMAR ONLINE TRAINING SIMULATION: HVAC, is a 3-D, immersive simulation that offers a rich learning experience that mimics field performance. It challenges the user to master diagnostic and troubleshooting skills across six pieces of HVAC equipment found in industry- Gas Furnace, Oil Furnace, Gas Boiler, Small Commercial Air Conditioner, Central Air Conditioners and Heat Pump. Soft skills are also included within the Simulation. To create successful learning outcomes, the Delmar Online Training Simulation: HVAC offers more than 150 scenarios which allow the user to troubleshoot and build diagnostic and critical thinking skills. Two modes within the Simulation promote incremental learning: Training Mode has fixed scenarios to aid in initial familiarization with the equipment, the problem needing attention and the capabilities of the Simulation Challenge Mode is randomized with 3 levels: Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced. Both modes require learners to diagnose a fault or faults and perform the repair successfully while materials and labor costs are tracked. Online access is for two years upon activation. The instructional design allows for full open engagement. Features and Benefits - Each scenario starts with a customer-stated service call. The scenario addresses a simulated fault or multiple faults on an appliance and requires students to use the correct tool and a structured diagnostic process to deliver a repair scope of work and bill. -Includes interactive color wiring diagrams linked to diagnostic testing of equipment . -Access detailed troubleshooting guides to understand fundamental equipment operation and accelerate the learning process. -An easy-to-use and intuitive Gradebook/Admininstration Tool gives instructors quick access and visibility into student performance and understanding . -User Feedback Reports provide immediate analysis to help identify and correct problems to aid student understanding . -Students/user can practice at their own pace and convenience, in a safe environment . -A bonus Soft Skills Module challenges students with questions on the proper engagement behavior with customers. -Today''s busy students can practice their growing skills on these simulations from any personal computer—at home, a public library, or in the classroom. -Announcing the launch of Delmar Online Training Simulation: HVAC Version 2. This version is an automatic upgrade for any current HVAC Sim users. Version 2 enhancements include: Teleporting - Easier navigation between any indoor and outdoor units and thermostat; Badge and Leaderboard – Track your progress by acquiring badges and earnings. A national leaderboard is included for those who wish to opt in to compare their performance to others; IPAD compatibility – Now your favorite simulation is available on the iPAD2 and newer versions; Dynamic Troubleshooting Guide - More intuitive solution map with option to display step-by-step trouble-shooting path for each scenario. Table of Contents: Gas Furnace Faults 1. Loose white wire on inducer motor. 2. Loose black wire on inducer motor. 3. Faulty inducer motor. 4. IFC inducer motor circuit fault. 5. IFC ignitor circuit fault. 6. IFC terminal W loose. 7. IFC Terminal R loose. 8. Dirty air filter. 9. IFC line H loose. 10. IFC line N loose. 11. Faulty ignitor. 12. Faulty pressure switch. 13. Faulty thermostat. 14. Faulty transformer. 15. Tripped circuit breaker. 16. Faulty flame sensor. 17. Low gas supply pressure. 18. Faulty gas valve. 19. Faulty blower motor. 20. Faulty blower motor capacitor. 21. Obstructed return airflow duct. 22. Thermostat terminal W loose.

  • Sales Rank: #198562 in Books
  • Published on: 2012-07-17
  • Platforms: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: .42" h x 4.84" w x 6.32" l, .4 pounds
  • Binding: Printed Access Code

About the Author
Interplay Learning develops award-winning, 3D interactive simulation training and testing applications for the professional trades. Delivered over the web, Interplay's products are immersive and lifelike, promoting knowledge retention, improved performance, and decreased time to competency.

Most helpful customer reviews

13 of 14 people found the following review helpful.
Good HVAC trainning at home.
By Otrevor Alavaz
I went to Ivy Tech Community College in Indiana for two yeas (from 2009 to 2011) and graduated with an "associate of science in construction technology----- HVAC concentration". Neither school nor this video will substitute On-the-Job training. Right after school, I started working for a small residential company doing diagnostics, preventive maintenance, and retrofits. This video does teach you the troubleshooting aspect of HVAC. I wish I would have had this video when I was doing residential HVAC troubleshooting. It would have reinforced my troubleshooting skills. Today, I'm doing new commercial construction HVAC installations. But, after work, I play with my HVAC Training Simulation (I'm not trying to forget whatever troubleshooting skills I have). I gave this product five stars because it does deliver what it promises----to teach you troubleshooting skills. The video does not teach you how to read a blue print, nor how to estimate materials, nor how to install an air-handler, etc., etc. ONCE AGAIN, the video teaches you how to do diagnostics and repair on HVAC units. And this phase of HVAC (troubleshooting) is the hardest one to master and the one that requires the most practice.

10 of 11 people found the following review helpful.
Good troubleshooting trainer
By Bobbydb
I just stated this program and have completed a couple of the exercises. I am very satisfied with it. This simulator is a great program for learning how to troubleshoot. It is not a training program for a beginner. It assumes some knowledge on your part. It would work very well for someone that is already in an HVAC course. In fact it is used by some of the online HVAC courses. It should also work very well for someone who is learning HVAC through on the job training or through self-study. The only thing that I can think of that would be better for learning how to troubleshoot is actual hands on troubleshooting. You will have to spend enough time in the beginning to learn how to navigate the simulation (naturally).
You do not have to be in a junior college to register. I am not.
I am retired and own a few rental trailers. So does my son and my brother. After paying enough of what we considered, outrageous prices for HVAC work on our rentals I decided to learn how to do it myself. I bought a good book (Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Technology) and I have been studying that along with the wealth of online articles and videos (I already had some experience in electrical troubleshooting, and brazing). This simulator is a great extension of my studies.
For the gentleman that could not register because he isn't in a college, I would suggest he choose an online college and use it for his registration. However, to learn what training you need. Just start the simulations at the beginning and that will show you what you need to study.
I am giving the simulator five stars because I haven't found anything at all wrong with it. If I find anything later, I will add it to this review.

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
A good simulator if you know the basics of hvac
By george arnau
A good simulator if you know the basics of hvac, if you dont you will be lost. This would go well if you have any hvac book to read and follow along with. I managed to fix a lot of issues in the simulator all based on field experience - but the heating portion i have no clue about, so i am looking forward to reading up on heat and using this sim to enforce memory. I gave it a 4 because i wished it would get a bit more complex, i also notice you cant check continuity on certain devices. I also think a more complete package would have installations that go along with it. I also dont like how all the units look the same, same wiring, same structure, etc. This is a great simulator, but its price should be around 20 considering the units start to look the same. This is the only simulator of its kind, so if you are starting out, it can be a bonus.

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Delmar Online Training Simulation: HVAC, 4 term (24 months) Printed Access Card, by Interplay Learning PDF

Delmar Online Training Simulation: HVAC, 4 term (24 months) Printed Access Card, by Interplay Learning PDF
Delmar Online Training Simulation: HVAC, 4 term (24 months) Printed Access Card, by Interplay Learning PDF